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HomeFront Inspection, LLC is always trying to meet the needs of his clients. Therefore, we are constantly continuing to offer only the best services we can. See what's new and see if we can be of service to you.

Certified Pre-Purchase Inspections

Thermal Imaging

Lease Inspections

Air Pressure Tests for the homes plumbing system

Air Pressure Tests for Winterized houses.  Saves you $$$$$

Due to the high foreclosure and bank owned properties many properties are winterized, meaning the water is turned off. The banks are charging up to $300.00 to de-winterize and winterize the house so an inspector can inspect the plumbing. Unfortunately many of the winterized homes have been winterized improperly or after the damage is already done. (The pipes freeze and burst) What happens is the water is turned on during the inspection only to find major leaks that cause further damage and the inspector still can't inspect the plumbing system because of water leaks.  So I came up with a system that will pressurize the waterlines and detect most if not all leaks.

What I do is apply air pressure to the water line. I use a device that holds and reads the air pressure and  special procedures that helps locate leaks at their source. This system has proved to be invaluable to many client in verifying the integrity of the water lines.

Some Disadvantages:

The air pressure test is not as good as having the water turned on where one can see the leak or be detected with Thermal Imaging. Another disadvantage with a pressure test is the drain lines can not be tested for leaks. Drains under the sinks are known to leak but these leaks are much easier to repair than the water supply lines where it could require getting inside the walls. It is recommended that after the water is turned on that you carefully check for leaks in these areas.  Those are pretty much the disadvantages. So, if the water can't be turned on or the bank is asking a ridiculous price, an air pressure test is the next best thing and much less expensive.

Most home air pressure tests are only $75.00 with a home inspection. They cost $175 and up without a home inspection.

Call to schedule your home inspection with HomeFront Inspection   303-777-8025






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